Just an indicative list. Actual prices might vary.
Please send us your query for an exact quote.

USD ($) & GBP (£)
Fertility Treatments
IVF (includes medicines - pre and post ET)     - USD-  3100/-
GBP-  2000/-
IVF + ICSI (includes medicines - pre and post ET)     - USD-  3500/-
GBP-  2200/-
IVF (With Donor Eggs)(includes medicines - pre and post ET)     - USD-  5900/-
GBP-  3700/-
Surrogacy     - USD-  24000/-
GBP-  15000/-
Cardiac Surgery
Angiography (without contrast)1USD-  550/-
GBP-  350/-
Angiography (with contrast)1USD-  600/-
GBP-  380/-
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)6 to 8USD-  6000/-
GBP-  3800/-
Angioplasty (with BMT)2 to 4USD-  6000/-
GBP-  3800/-
Angioplasty (with one medicated stent)2 to 4USD-  6500/-
GBP-  4100/-
MVR/AVR (with one prosthetic valve)8 to 10USD-  8500/-
GBP-  5400/-
MVR/AVR (with one tissue valve)8 to 10USD-  9500/-
GBP-  6000/-
DVR (with prosthetic valves)8 to 10USD-  12000/-
GBP-  7500/-
DVR (with tissue valves)8 to 10USD-  14000/-
GBP-  8800/-
CABG + AVR 6 to 8USD-  12500/-
GBP-  7900/-
ASD/VSD Device Closure3 to 4USD-  6400/-
GBP-  4000/-
PDA Device Closure3 to 4USD-  4700/-
GBP-  3000/-
Permanent Pacemaker Implant (PPI) Single Chamber2 to 3USD-  3500/-
GBP-  2200/-
Permanent Pacemaker Implant (PPI) Double Chamber3 to 4USD-  6000/-
GBP-  3800/-
Permanent Pacemaker Implant (PPI) Biventricular3 to 4USD-  12000/-
GBP-  7600/-
Automatic Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (AICD) Single Chamber 3 to 4USD-  15000/-
GBP-  9500/-
Automatic Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (AICD) Double Chamber 3 to 4USD-  19000/-
GBP-  12000/-
EPS and Radio Frequency Ablation 2 to 3USD-  3000/-
GBP-  1900/-
Orthopedic Surgery
Single (i.e. Unilateral) Knee Replacement (including implant) 4 to 5USD-  5500/-
GBP-  3500/-
Double (i.e Bilateral) Knee Replacement (including implant)8 to 10USD-  10000/-
GBP-  6300/-
Single (i.e. Unilteral) Hip Replacement (including implant)4 to 5USD-  5500/-
GBP-  3500/-
Double (i.e. Bilateral) Hip Replacement (including implant)8 to 10USD-  10000/-
GBP-  6300/-
Unilateral Total Hip Resurfacing 4 to 5USD-  6500/-
GBP-  4100/-
Single (i.e. Unilateral) Shoulder Replacement (including implant)4 to 5USD-  6500/-
GBP-  4100/-
Double (i.e. Bilateral) Shoulder Replacement (including implant)8 to 10USD-  11500/-
GBP-  7300/-
Arthroscopic Surgery
Meniscectomy  1 USD-  1500/-
GBP-  950/-
Rotator cuff repair – Shoulder (Arthroscopic / Mini open)  1 USD-  2600/-
GBP-  1650/-
Anterior Cruciate Ligament  3 USD-  3000/-
GBP-  1900/-
Spine - Cervical Disc Replacement (including implant) 4 to 5 USD-  8500/-
GBP-  5400/-
Spine - Lumbar Disc Replacement (including impant) 4 to 5 USD-  8500/-
GBP-  5400/-
Bunionectomy  3 USD-  3500/-
GBP-  2200/-
If the procedure you are interested-in is not listed here, send us your query to receive a 'No obligation FREE Quote' and a detailed treatment plan.
Just an indicative list. Actual prices might vary on case-to-case basis.
For an exact quote send us your query today.

Surgery In India